Hope Boxes began out of a desire to bring support and encouragement to families experiencing pregnancy and infant loss. Pastor Pete and Jenita Naylor have five babies waiting for them in Heaven. Their experience of loss led them to look for a practical way to help a family in their church who had experienced the loss of a baby. When exploring ideas for practical support they found Hope Mommies™ out of Texas, USA. They create Hope Boxes and were very helpful in us creating our own. One box was made for this local family and this led a small group of women at Riverside Community Church in Swastika, Ontario to suggest making more Hope Boxes.
In September 2013 Hope Boxes began with prayer and a goal of 10 boxes. Within a month the group had funds to create 20 boxes and Hope Boxes was born.  

Haldimand-Norfolk Hope Box joined the Hope Box Canada team in April 2018.

We are willing to ship boxes outside of the area should a request be made, and are happy to connect you to one of our team locations across the country, as well.